Stanley Jubilations – Sunday 5th June

We at St Peter’s Church are joining in the village celebrations for the Jubilee. On the day of the Stanley Jubilations (Sunday 5th June) we will be holding a Jubilee Thanksgiving Service at St Peter’s Church at 10am. This will be an all ages service with with popular hymns and special prayers as we give thanks for the Queen’s life and reign.

Then Stanley Residents Group (SRG) have facilitated a jam packed afternoon of village ‘Jubilations’ to celebrate this historic event. The ‘Jubilations’ will take place on Sunday the 5th June: following our special thanksgiving service at the church at 10am, you can join the walking parade to the main event will take place at St Peter’s School playing field, from 12pm noon until 5pm.

SRG have lots of planned activities, and as we get closer to the event you will notice the village around the school being decorated with bunting. This has very kindly been made by different groups and volunteers, a massive thank you to our army of bunting makers!

To start the celebrations, there will be a walking parade from St Peter’s Church, at 12pm noon, to the school, where there will be a very special guest appearance!!

There will be live music from talented local musicians, including some country rock, Elvis and a ukulele band along with the opportunity to have a good old sing along led by our community choir. There will be a variety of stalls and arena activities led by community groups, which will promote their wonderful contributions to our village.

There will be lots of free activities for children, including arts and crafts, sports day races, a ‘Selfie Throne’ quiz, and a nostalgic ‘Green Shield Stamp’ game. There will be a free bouncy castle and ice lollies. There will be opportunity to reminisce too, with a visit to The Memory Tent. SRG are collecting pictures, written memories, and memorabilia from local people to celebrate local history. If you have any pictures or items, you would like to display or would like to share your memories in the memory tent please get in touch. They will also be launching the ‘Heritage Trail’ a project that will remember the village’s rich culture and history.

Please bring along a tasty picnic, a bottle or can of some-thing that tickles your fancy and join us as we celebrate this historic occasion, with our community! Many hands make light work, so if you have some time to give, and would like to help out on the day, please let SRG know.