Bill’s Letter for December 2013

As we enter into the Christmas season we also move into a time of shorter days and longer dark nights.  It is a time when the symbol of Jesus, the light of the world is particularly powerful.  We experience the darkness of the world in many different ways and this can be highlighted by events in the news which shows the darkness of the way that we sometimes behave towards each other.  For example, we have seen the extreme example of three women being kept as slaves for 30 years.

Also, people are struggling with the ongoing financial situation , as illustrated by the number of people resorting to food banks as a source for food for their families.  There are many more examples too numerous to mention.  We need the light of Christ to help us transform this darkness to light.

As we reflect on the wonderful story of Jesus coming as a baby to be our saviour we know we are not alone.  There is an amazing truth in the fact that the creator of the universe has chosen to be born as a human being and identify completely with the human condition: God with us.  He has come with the vulnerability of a child who went on to allow himself to be cruelly killed, but also, as creator, with the power to call things into being with a word, and also to bring healing and change our hearts from being selfish to being caring.

This makes the way of Christ to be the hope for the world, and gives us his followers a real challenge. Many times in scripture we read God speaking to us, ”Do not be afraid, for I am with you.” As we are aware of the darkness around us, let us in Christ’s strength seek to transform it with his light.

Do come to one of the services or events we are putting on this Christmas time; you would be most welcome to join us.  The details of all the events can be found throughout the magazine.  There are some for all different ages and at different times so that at least one should be convenient.  Coming together at this time will help us to think about not only receiving the gift of Christ’s light afresh for ourselves, but  also being willing to share it with others.

Do come and join us.

Rev Bill Henderson

Film Club details for December 2013

Friday evening, 13th December, 7:30pm

‘Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger!’ (2013) U Rating

This Christmas, the unforgettable pupils of St Bernadette’s have set their hearts on competing in the National choir contest “A Song For Christmas”.  But with the headmistress not in favour of the plan, new class teacher Mr Peterson (David Tennant) has his hands full trying to curb the enthusiasm of the kids, not to mention Mr Poppy (Marc    Wootton).   Also starring Pam Ferris and Jessica Hynes, this film is hilarious from start to finish and every bit as good as the first ‘Nativity’ film.  Come along and watch this Christmas cracker on the big screen and enjoy some fantastic festive fun!

Free admission, tea & coffee, but bring your own popcorn!

Film shown at the Church Centre, Lake Lock Road, doors open 7pm

Nativity 2


Bill’s Letter for November 2013

One of the themes this month is ‘remembering’.  We held a Memorial Service recently on 27th October for those who have died recently, and the Remembrance service for those who were killed in wars is at 10am on Sunday 10th November.  We are also planning what to do to remember the old church after it is dismantled.  There are a number of interesting ideas already, including a prayer garden and maintaining the war memorial

Each of these events are different, and at each we do more than just remember. We are bringing God into a situation that is painful. We show respect and show how we value the lives of those who have died.  We say thank you for what they have given us.

In the case of the Remembrance service, there is also the element of doing what we can to ensure that the ultimate sacrifice that has been made has not been in vain.  There is a sense in which victory in both the World Wars is enough in itself, as we still live in a free country.

But there is still a real challenge: have we learned the lessons about the horrors of war? This is a complicated question, but the prospects for world peace do not appear to be very good, as we look around today.  It is truly shocking as we observe what human beings do to each other.  The terrible killings going on in Syria, and terrorist    attacks continuing to spread death and fear.  Cycles of violence that only seem to escalate.  What to do?

At the heart of our Christian worship is another service of remembrance and thanksgiving; our service of Holy Communion.  We remember with thanks the death of Jesus, a death that was not in vain as we show each time we   respond to Him.  Jesus was also the great peacemaker, and lays down a challenge for us: love your enemies; do not keep a record of wrongs; forgive one another.

We may not be able to effect world peace, but we can be peacemakers in our families and community.

Rev Bill Henderson


Film Club details for November 2013

Friday evening, 8th November, 7:30pm

‘Twelve in a Box’  (2007)  12 Rating

Twelve In A Box is the laugh-out-loud story (with a cameo appearance by the wonderful Miranda Hart) of 12 former school friends who get together for a reunion they will never forget.  Each are given the chance to win £1 million, the catch being that they cannot leave the estate for 96 hours.  Plus, anyone who enters the grounds must also stay for the duration!  With time ticking, the mismatched dozen are forced to work together to keep the peace and work toward their payday.  But, when they have to deal with an untimely death, a kidnapping plot, another corpse, burglars, and then even a visit from the boys in blue, will this hapless clan be able to hold it together or will their dreams of riches be buried with the bodies?

Free admission, tea & coffee, but bring your own popcorn!

Film shown at the Church Centre, Lake Lock Road, doors open 7pm

Twelve in a Box












Harvest Events at St Peter’s in October

Harvest Ceilidh

With dancing to ‘The Huntsman’s Chorus’

Saturday 12th October, 7:30pm, in St Peter’s School hall

Tickets £8, concessions £6, family ticket £22. Tickets include a pie & peas supper.

Please bring your own drinks!

See Jill Temple or Val McCarthy for tickets or contact the Church Centre office, tel 01924 835746


Parade and Harvest Festival Service

Parade and Harvest Festival Service at the church centre, with the uniformed groups.

St Peter’s Church Centre, Sunday 13th October at 10am.


Harvest Lunch at St Peter’s Church

Tuesday 15th October, 12pm—1:30pm

Everyone, young and old, is warmly invited to the Church Centre on Tuesday 15th October for a Harvest Lunch prepared by St Peter’s Community Café.  The meal will include homemade soup, a chicken dinner, fresh fruit salad and tea and coffee.  As in previous years, the tables will be set our very nicely in the hall and there will be some musical accompaniment during the lunch.  The lunch is free of charge, although donations can be made if wished.  St Peter’s Church and Café look forward to welcoming you.

Bill’s Letter for October 2013

This is the time of year when we celebrate our harvest festival. As our lives are moving away from being involved in the production of food, it is even more important to reflect on what we eat and where it comes from.  A recent survey showed that a third of primary school children thought cheese came from plants and 1 in 5 thought chicken was the principal ingredient in fish fingers.

Food can become a commodity, something we mindlessly consume on our way to doing other things.  It’s very easy to go to the shops, buy what we want as cheaply as possible, but without any real thought of where our food is coming from.  The principles of Fairtrade are important to help each person in the supply chain get a just reward. Our choices of where we shop and what we buy can make a difference

For Christians, food is not a commodity, rather it is God’s way of providing for the life of the world.  I came across the phrase, “Food is God’s love made delectable”. The story of creation celebrates the  wonder of plants and animals that provide food for each other.  A simple way to avoid taking food for granted is to say grace before meals.  This was the normal thing to do with the people I stayed with in Africa, and I believe it used to be more usual here. Simply to pause and reflect on the gift of food, to give thanks to our creator and for those who have helped bring the food to the table, gives the right perspective.

As we meditate on our food, we are taken into a deeper mystery. The story of food is one of life and death, whether of plant or animal. This opens up the idea of sacrifice, sacrifice that brings life out of death.  As we accept this building block of creation then we are able to move closer to an understanding of the sacrifice of Jesus, who gave his life that we might have life.

We would like to invite you to join in these celebrations of God’s good gifts at Harvest.  There will be a Ceilidh with a live band on    Saturday 12th October at St Peter’s School (please see page 10 for details and ring 835746 for tickets), then our Harvest Festival service at 10am on Sunday 13th October.  On Tuesday 15th October there will be a harvest lunch open to all in the village but especially aimed at the more mature members of the community.