Children’s Ark – every Thursday from 9:15am to 11:15am


A relaxed and friendly baby and toddler group for pre-school children and their carers.  Come and enjoy a cuppa and meet friends.  £1.50 per child.

Play!  Singing!  Snacks!  Stories!  Toys!

Every Thursday in term time at St Peter’s church from 9:15am to 11:15 am

Phone  01924 835746 or 07746 849509

for more info

Letter for April 2024

I recently visited Wakefield Theatre Royal to watch a play entitled ‘Something About George’ which focused on George Harrison’s life after the Beatles’ split up. The evening told the truly remarkable tale of one of music’s most understated icons, and addressed the question: “Where does life take you after being in the greatest band in the history of the world?” Well, after the Beatles, George went onto release the classic album ‘All Things Must Pass’ as well as other albums; he was involved in the first charity music concert to raise funds for Bangladesh in the early 1970’s, and also went into film production amongst other things.

In church we are now in the Easter period and our services and readings focus on the resurrection appearances of Jesus and the new life he offers to his followers. In our readings from the Acts of the Apostles we hear about the life and ministry of those early disciples as they begin to answer the question: “What do we do now Jesus is no longer with us?”  We find that for 40 days after the resurrection Jesus physically appears several times to the disciples, then on Ascension day he returns to the Father.  Ten days later, the Holy Spirit fell on the disciples in Jerusalem. This is seen as the start of the Church and for those early disciples, full of the Holy Spirit, they go on to do some remarkable things.  Jesus sowed the seed of the good news in the disciples’ hearts and they went on to share the good news far and wide.

We are all on a journey through life and for some of us we have always believed in God, for others our Christian life may started with a Damascus Road experience and for others we may still be searching.  The wonderful Easter story of Jesus overcoming death and offering us new life, challenges us to pray and think about the question: “What do we do with the rest of our lives?”  We live in a hurting world which is so much in need of hope and kindness and God’s transforming love. Let us as a church and individually share the Good News as we open ourselves to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit which brought Jesus from the dead and is available to us to today to build a new world.

Also whilst writing please continue to pray for the post of associate priest and especially on Tuesday 23rd April when we hope and pray to interview applicants. We pray that this time we shall be able to appoint a new team member.  Again, a big thanks to all who continue to help and support the work and ministry across the benefice.

Take care and God Bless, Glenn

Rev Glenn Coggins, Vicar of the United Benefice of North Wakefield

Letter for March 2024

Dear Friends, I don’t know if you, like me, sometimes find it hard to watch or listen to our rolling news coverage. These days we have 24 hours news and with such detail and analysis it can be painful to always keep abreast. I am reminded of the quote by TS Elliot who said ‘humankind cannot bear very much reality’ and I feel I have to be careful to balance news intake which can often be sad and graphic alongside some life affirming news. It is easy for us to switch off the television or radio but for many people caught up in struggles in places like the Ukraine and the Middle East, there’s no button to press. Rather the worry and constant threat on the doorstep lives with you each moment of every day and night. We remember the people caught up in these wars in our prayers of course but sometimes you feel helpless against such powerful forces moulding countries and people’s lives.

When one reads the Bible you find it really brings home to us the reality of the world we live in. Along with wonderful examples of people supporting and caring for one another, we also read about the darker side of humanity and how it can destroy lives and communities.

During Lent we continue our own journey of repentance and self examination and are challenged to look deep into our hearts and lives about how we can help build a better world for all. In many ways it starts with us, and sin at its root cause is alienation from God and each other.  As we journey towards the events of Holy Week which begin on Palm Sunday, 24th March, we shall then listen and reflect on those events that shaped the world. We shall eavesdrop on the events of the Last Supper, sit at the foot of the cross on Good Friday and then come to Easter Day to celebrate and rejoice that Jesus has risen. What an amazing God who comes and shares our lives in Jesus and in doing so invites us into a relationship with him.

Perhaps as preparation for our journey through Holy Week, I would encourage you to spend some time reading one of the Gospel accounts of the events of Jesus’ last week and ask God to speak to you in a deep and meaningful way.

Also whilst writing please continue to pray for the post of associate priest which is now being advertised. The interviews will take place on Tuesday 23rd April and we pray that this time we shall be able to appoint a new team member. Again a big thanks to all who continue to help and support the work and ministry across the benefice.

Take care and God Bless and hope to see you over the Easter period and consider joining us at various services and events.  


Rev Glenn Coggins, Vicar of the United Benefice of North Wakefield

Christingle Service – Sunday 11th February

Christingle Service Sunday 11th February, 10am

Join us for a family service on 11th February to celebrate Jesus as Light of the world at our Christingle service.  It was too busy in church to celebrate Christingle at Christmas!

So we’re holding a Christingle during the time of Candlemas. 

Join us for all-age worship, activities and refreshments.  Everyone welcome!